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Home / Projects / Vanuatu Primary School

Vanuatu Primary School

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Charity donations $2 or more to Muslim Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

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Experience the Impact:

Witness the transformative power of your generosity firsthand by watching our heartfelt documentary below. See how your contributions are lighting up the lives of children in Tanna, Vanuatu, through the MAA International Primary School.


Education at the Heart of Sustainability:

The MAA International Primary School goes beyond providing free education. We embrace a holistic approach, integrating local Vanuatu curriculum with vital lessons in sustainability and agriculture. This empowers students to become eco-conscious changemakers, cultivating knowledge and skills that nurture the land and their communities.

Building Beyond Bricks and Mortar:

Our vision extends beyond classrooms. The school serves as a hub for long-term sustainability, encompassing:

  • Primary School: Providing free education, opening doors to opportunity and brighter futures.

  • Sustainable Agriculture Site: Equipping students with practical skills to nourish their communities and the environment.

  • Skills Training: Empowering individuals with employable skills to secure livelihoods and drive local economic development.

  • Disaster Relief Shelter: The school is used by the community to withstand the effects of cyclones (category 5), helping to ensure the students and the communities stay safe in times of disasters.

Giving the Gift of Hope:

For children in remote Tanna, your contribution to the MAA International Primary School is more than just a donation; it's a beacon of hope. You offer them the priceless gift of knowledge, the seeds of sustainability, and the chance to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Are you looking to donate on behalf of someone as a gift? MAA has just launched Gifts of Mercy! Through Gifts of Mercy, you can not only donate towards providing education to someone in need, but you can send a personalised gift card to your friends and family.


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